Album Cover Evaluation
White Balance : AUTO
ISO : 100 / 200
Shutter Speed: 160 / plus or minus
Aperture : F12
Location : Urban Environment
Lighting : Natural
Framing: Mid Shot
My aim was to experiment from all angles. I was no which one will be the most suitable for the shoot, either looking left or right down and up. The location I was looking for, was more of an urban location.
I found this location under a bridge in the town centre, the reason I went for this style was I was going for more of a Hip-Hop style, by looking at other Hip-Hop artwork and mainstream artists to get inspired by.

The album cover which influenced my album cover idea was Lloyd Banks album cover, which I developed my idea from with the pose style and the clothes. This image helped me develop my idea, my main intention was to give it a Hip-Hop look & also I didn't want to make my own version of this song cover, I just wanted to come up with something unique.
My target audince was aimed at everyone to be honest, not specifc age group it is everyone.
The reason why I chose Hip-Hop was I had a knowledge about it more than the other genres and Hip-Hop is my favourite style of music. In my photo I portray that & it's more of a street photography, where it is showing the Hip-Hop culture with the graphite in the background, this represents proper street society we live in.
Here are some tools which I used in the process of editing the image.
These are the tools which helped me give the image a better look.
This was my final image, before and after for my album cover shoot.
First Shoot Analysis.
As I did mention photography shoot, my first photo shoot went wrong due to the wrong settings and I wasn't so camera friendly or familiar with the camera, I totally chose the wrong settings, such as the ISO - Shutter Speed - Aperture. I wasn't really familiar with this, and got confused between these especially the ISO and the Aperture crossover. I was experimenting what I wanted, after that which one I chose I did it wrong.
To be honest I never came across these things, at first I did not know what they are, after the teacher explaining this to me, I got confused what is what the photo got shot in the wrong format. I did not know nothing about the file differences, what compression it makes and such. So then after that after importing the picture instead of having it on RAW, which I shot in it was a different type of RAW file for sony format, then what happened was after I thought it has been imported it turned into a JPEG through iPhoto automatically, without me knowing then finally found out through get info on the Mac.
Second Shoot Analysis.
In my second shoot I learnt from my last shoot what mistakes I incorporated in the settings of the camera and set them, but this time I know what I wanted to do, did a few test shots the location was set according to my style and visual that I was going for, it was perfect. We shot the image in RAW then put it on the computer, without the image getting changed into a JPEG, then edited the image on photoshop and got my final image.